What Can I Do?
Operation Jericho Project firmly believes that the only solution is to remove children from government schools.
We have provided resources to help you in your own community and are dedicated to helping individuals, parents, churches, pastors, and communities work together to educate and protect children.
Link to website pages with brief summary
Homeschool Supply Pantry
We realize that homeschooling families have many
needs and limited resources. Some of those needs
could be met by means of a Church Supply Pantry.
Sometimes families with grown children still have
microscopes, musical instruments, arts and craft
supplies, desks, science supplies, laminators or
printers, etc. that are no longer being used.
Donating these items would be a huge blessing
to homeschool families.
Churches could designate a storage area to house
these various items that would benefit homeschool
Start a home school co-op
Start a private Christian school